6 Grado

¡Bienvenidos a la escuela de WAMS y a la clase del Español!  For many of you, this is the first experience you will have in a World Language classroom or possibly with any World Language at all!  ¡Qué magnífico (How magnificent!)!

Upon entering 6th grade at WAMS, you will also be experiencing many other changes like organizing a locker, switching classes and teacher, and getting to know new friends.  All of these things are very exciting but also may be a bit overwhelming.  We are here to help you!  As you move forward in the school year, enjoy becoming an independent learner but see a teacher or counselor if you're feeling super uneasy.

In 6th grade Spanish, we are going to explore the basics of the Spanish language as well as the different cultures around the world where Spanish-speakers celebrate their heritage and traditions. You will learn about weather patterns, maps and flags and be able to ask and express personal information about yourself including descriptions, personality traits and opinions.  At first it will be a little scary to hear and learn in Spanish, but you will also learn tricks and tips on how to understand what is going on even if you don't know what exactly is being said.  By the end of the year, you will be able to write full sentences and follow along as Spanish speakers talk!

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